Smoking Is a Risk for Peripheral Artery Disease
Researchers have found that smoking is a stronger risk for peripheral artery disease than for heart attacks and stroke. That’s yet another reason to quit smoking.
Researchers have found that smoking is a stronger risk for peripheral artery disease than for heart attacks and stroke. That’s yet another reason to quit smoking.
Evidence is mounting that vaping damages blood vessels, especially if you also smoke tobacco, and that the damage happens quickly. Here's what you should know.
It might seem okay to smoke in your house or car when your family and pets aren’t around. But a compound left behind could harm them through their skin.
Just seeing people vaping can trigger cravings. How smoking and vaping feels and looks are important parts of their dependence. Here's what you should know.
Fitness is a promising way to ease people off addiction, but more research is needed to confirm how it works. Here's what you should know about exercise and addiction.
Social smoking is as bad for your heart as smoking a pack or more a day, increasing your risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Smoking is a known risk for heart disease, COPD, and cancer. Research also directly links smoking to subarachnoid hemorrhages — life-threatening brain bleeds.