
Americans Are Smoking More Pot 

Marijuana is increasingly legal across America — but the public health consequences aren't yet known. Here's what you should know about the health concerns.

10 Apr 2012 --- White pills spilled on table. --- Image by © Hero Images/Corbis

States Are Fighting Opioid Sellers 

Who is responsible — and should pay — for the consequences of the painkiller crisis? States are fighting back, many of them together. Here's what you should know.


Opioid Abuse During Pregnancy 

The number of newborns affected by their mother’s opioid abuse during pregnancy is growing. Six of every 1,000 babies need detox. Here's what you should know.


Symptoms of Opioid Withdrawal 

Using opioids over time can lead to dependence or addiction. Learn about the symptoms of opioid withdrawal and when to seek help to stop using the drugs.