Is Parkinson’s Disease Hereditary?
If Parkinson’s seems to run in your family, you may ask — is Parkinson’s disease (PD) hereditary? Although most PD is not hereditary, genes do play a role.
There are no specific tests for diagnosing Parkinson’s. How Parkinson’s disease is diagnosed involves a neurological exam by a doctor and a review of your symptoms.
Symptoms vary as the stages of Parkinson's disease progress. Understanding these five Parkinson’s disease stages can help people with cope with the disease.
Symptoms of Parkinson's disease vary from person to person. Smartphone apps can document their progression. Here’s what you should know.
If you're caring for a loved one with Parkinson's disease, one of the best early steps you can take is to invite a seasoned caregiver to meet with you, your loved one, and concerned family.
The success of the cancer drug nilotinib (Tasingna) has researchers trying to find a treatment for Parkinson’s that uses a similar chemical pathway.