Coaxing Yourself to Do Unpleasant Things
People have different strategies to get themselves to complete unpleasant tasks. It turns out some methods are better than others. Here's what you should know.
Have you lost your ease to converse? Were you ever comfortable? There’s a trick to charm, and you can learn it. Here's how to improve your conversation skills.
Americans are increasingly focusing on mind-body self-care to improve their wellness, making healthy lifestyle choices and monitoring for potential health problems.
Learning how to stop negative thinking could go a long way to improving your health, relationships, and ability to set and reach goals. You’ll feel better, too.
If you're feeling anxious or down, try taking a break from social media. Research suggests even just a week off can help you cut back when you return.
Optimists live longer. One reason may be that optimists handle stress better, minimizing the wear and tear of emotional upsets on their bodies. Learn more.
You shouldn't ignore burnout, the real feeling of being overwhelmed and extra tired. It can cause depression, physical problems, and hurt your productivity at work.
If you forgive people, you can learn to avoid grudges. Do it for yourself. Cultivating forgiveness is a kind of protection against mental and other health problems.
The health benefits of reading books surprisingly include living longer and seeing the world of other points of view. Here's what you should know.
Become a better listener. You might think you are better at it than you are. Can you focus on other people rather than giving them your opinion?