Marijuana’s Effect on the Brain
Smoking pot in adolescence has been linked to depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Have a candid talk with your teens about marijuana’s effect on the brain.
Smoking pot in adolescence has been linked to depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Have a candid talk with your teens about marijuana’s effect on the brain.
The opioid crisis isn’t over. The use of synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, is causing more deaths from drug use, and the numbers are climbing.
More people are driving while high on pot and risking crashes. It’s hard to know when you’re too stoned to safely drive. There's an easy fix: Don't do it.
Fitness is a promising way to ease people off addiction, but more research is needed to confirm how it works. Here's what you should know about exercise and addiction.
Marijuana is increasingly legal across America — but the public health consequences aren't yet known. Here's what you should know about the health concerns.
Most people don’t recover from drug use because of the care they receive or interactions with medical professionals; they recover for other reasons.
Using ADHD drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin to study and party can be dangerous and deadly. Here's what parents and students should know.