Pain Between the Shoulder Blades
Poor posture usually causes pain between the shoulder blades. Massage and stretching can relieve the problem. But sometimes it’s more serious. Learn more.
Poor posture usually causes pain between the shoulder blades. Massage and stretching can relieve the problem. But sometimes it’s more serious. Learn more.
Chronic pain affects millions, interfering with daily life and increasing your risk of taking opioids. An app for chronic pain can lessen pain and opioid usage.
Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of arthritis in the spine that causes a hunchback posture, often striking young people. Here’s what you should know.
You can eat fewer meats, which contain omega-6 fatty acids, and more fish, which have omega-3s, to help avoid pain or reduce pain you’re already feeling.
When you have fibromyalgia, you have chronic pain in your muscles, tendons, and connective tissues. Doctors call fibromyalgia trigger points tender points.
Chronic pain lasts for months or even years. Understanding chronic pain can help you find ways to cope and hopefully improve your condition and quality of life.
Inflammation of the tendons is called tendonitis, caused by repetitive motions or injuries. It may last for a short time or become chronic. Here's what you should know.
Regular exercise could make you more tolerant of pain; it might also make you “tougher.” If you have chronic pain, take it slow but don’t stop moving.
A virtual reality device may help train you to change your emotions and thoughts about pain to reduce your pain and keep you moving. Here's what you can do.
Do you have chronic pain and insomnia? They usually go hand in hand. How do you relieve back pain and finally get to sleep? A new mattress may be able to help.
Blocking your pain can be as simple as imagining something pleasant, counting silently, or focusing on a non-painful part of your body. Learn more.
Just about everybody gets low back pain at some point. Do-it-yourself acupressure may relieve both pain and fatigue. Here's what you should know.
Is your lower back pain keeping you from working, sleeping, and exercising? Lower back stretches can relieve aches as well as strengthen your back muscles.
Thyroid problems, insomnia, and even lack of exercise can lead to pain. Many cases have multiple causes. Here's what you should know and what you can do.
Tingling, numbness, and shocks in your fingers or hand after using your hands can signal carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. Here's how to prevent them.