Helping Your Anxious Child
It’s not always possible to eliminate anxiety in children. What parents need to learn is how to deal with childhood anxiety and help their child manage it.
Diet can have a profound impact on moods, even for people with ADD and ADHD.
Help your child release guilt and forge a healthy path forward.
You can’t keep your kids safe all the time, but with your input many common sports injuries are avoidable. Here's what you can do to lower their risk.
Millions of U.S. youngsters could be jeopardizing their physical, mental, and emotional health because they aren’t drinking enough water.
Our battle with germs may have gone too far. Some science suggests that you’re not helping when you run after your child with anti-bacterial wipes.
Boys who don’t sleep long and deeply enough are at risk of developing not only impaired attention spans but also type 2 diabetes. Here's what parents should know.