9 Pregnancy Myths That Might Surprise You

Claim #1: A normal pregnancy lasts 9 months.
You’re pregnant — and bulging with questions. For better or worse, strangers may feel free to pat your belly and offer advice and folklore, some of it completely untrue. Here’s our guide through the confusion and controversy.
Response: Actually, your “due date” is just an estimate. Typically, there are 40 weeks (280 days) in a pregnancy. One study of 125 pregnancies concluded that the length of a pregnancy naturally varies by 37 days, excluding babies born pre-term. Obesity and age may contribute to early births. Your current pregnancy may last about as long as any previous ones. It doesn’t seem to matter whether your baby is a boy or girl, or how heavy you are, but your own weight at birth is a factor.
June 23, 2022
Reviewed By:  
Janet O’Dell, RN