Cervical Cancer Stages — Page 4

By Sherry Baker @SherryNewsViews
May 18, 2023

Overall staging of cervical cancer

After an oncologist classifies your cervical cancer according to the TNM system, an overall staging classification is assigned using a designation of 0, I, II, III, or IV, based on how advanced the malignancy appears to be. Often, the stages are subdivided, using letters such as IIIA and IIIB, to provide additional information about the size and location of the tumor.

Early-stage cancers are the least advanced and often have a better prognosis and likelihood of a cure. Higher stage cancers are often more advanced, but many times they can still be treated successfully.

The overall stages of cervical cancer:

  • Stage 0, also called carcinoma in situ or pre-cancer, is the very earliest stage of cancerous cell changes in the cervix and is highly curable.
  • Stage I means cancer is found only in your cervix and often has a good prognosis for treatment and cure. Stage I is divided into stages IA and IB, based on the amount of cancer found and the size of the tumor.
  • Stage II cervical cancer has spread beyond your cervix. It is not in your pelvic wall or the lower third of your vagina, however. Stage II cancer is divided into stages IIA and IIB, indicating how far the cancer has spread. For example, in IIA cervical cancer, the malignancy has spread to the upper part of your vagina but not to tissues around your uterus. Stage IIB means the cancer has spread to tissues around your uterus but isn’t found in your pelvic wall.
  • Stage III cervical cancer means the disease has spread to the lower part of your vagina. It may also be on your pelvic wall, causing kidney problems, according to the National Cancer Institute. Stage III is divided into stages IIA and IIB to indicate how far the cancer has spread.
  • Stage IV cervical cancer has metastasized to other areas. Stage IVA indicates the malignancy has spread to nearby organs, such as your bladder or rectum, while Stage IVB means the cancer is now found in distant parts of your body, including your liver, lungs, bones, or distant lymph nodes.

Do stages of cervical cancer change?

Once staging for cervical cancer has taken place, the stage of the disease typically does not change over time, even if the cancer progresses. Even if a malignancy returns or spreads, it still keeps the stage from the original diagnosis.

After a period of remission, doctors may restage a cancer — but rarely. When restaging of cervical cancer does take place, your doctors repeat the same process they used during the initial diagnosis: physical exams, imaging, biopsies, and possibly surgery.

When a cancer is restaged, the designation is recorded with a lower case "r" before the stage number to indicate the cancer was previously diagnosed and staged.


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May 18, 2023

Reviewed By:  

Janet O’Dell, RN