How to Treat Migraines — Continued

Alcohol. A drink can trigger a migraine up to eight hours later. For most people, the type of alcohol makes a difference. If you experiment (in moderation), you might learn that you can tolerate vodka but not beer.
Fluctuating blood sugar. If you notice that skipped meals are a trigger, eat a lean protein every three hours. That doesn’t require a hamburger. Nuts and seeds — especially pumpkin seeds, dry roasted peanuts, pistachios, and almonds — are high in protein. So are cottage cheese and Greek yogurt.
Caffeine. People who drink lots of coffee can get withdrawal headaches if they miss a cup — and that headache can stimulate your migraine. Stick to one 8-oz. cup of coffee a day or 2 cups of tea, which contain about the same amount of caffeine.
Menstruation. Some women get migraines before they menstruate, during which their estrogen drops. If that includes you, you might try low-dose estrogen pills (although the American Academy of Neurology and American Headache Society consider the evidence for this remedy to be weak).
September 20, 2023
Reviewed By:  
Janet O’Dell, RN