Lose Weight To Help Manage Your Asthma — Conclusion

Eat healthily
Both obesity and asthma have become more common in the period that people have shifted to the Western diet — heavy in saturated fat, salt, and sugar, and light in fiber and vegetable nutrients. The fat in meat is linked to severe asthma, and research suggests that eating fruits and vegetables can calm your airways.
To test this, eat two fruits and five servings of vegetables every day for two weeks. Seeinge a clear connection could help motivate you to love your salads.
Treat sleep apnea
Several studies suggest that using a CPAP machine to treat sleep apnea can make your airways less reactive.
Take your asthma seriously
Asthma isn’t just an annoyance. It can be fatal — even if your asthma symptoms are mild and intermittent. People who die usually had plenty of time to get to the emergency room; in 80 percent of fatal asthma attacks, the symptoms showed up from weeks to 12 hours earlier. In the other 20 percent, death occurred within six hours.
You are more at risk if you don’t recognize the experience of a constricted airway, or you assume you can treat a severe attack with your medication. Obesity may also be a risk factor in sudden death from asthma, according to one study of autopsy records in part of Australia over 10 years.
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February 17, 2023
Reviewed By:  
Janet O’Dell, RN