Glaucoma Quiz

By Dianna Sinovic 
March 25, 2013

Take the Glaucoma Quiz

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye's optic nerve and result in vision loss and blindness. However, with early treatment, you can often protect your eyes against serious vision loss.

1. In most forms of glaucoma, what damages the optic nerve?
2. The most common form of glaucoma is called open-angle glaucoma. What does "open-angle" refer to?
3. If the pressure inside your eye is higher than normal, you:
4. If your eye pressure is normal, you:
5. What are the symptoms of angle-closure glaucoma?
6. Which of these groups is at risk for developing open-angle glaucoma?
7. Which of these is an early symptom of open-angle glaucoma?
8. How is glaucoma detected?
9. How is glaucoma treated?
10. How can you reduce the damage from glaucoma?


May 07, 2010

Reviewed By:  

Berry, Judith, PhD, APRN, Bogus, William J OD, FAAO